How To Seo For Beginners
Selecting Key Words: This is probably the most important point. You need to choose keywords that best describes your website so if someone types your keyword in a search engine, your site will come up. Now donít just pick a few keywords which best interests you.
Try this Keyword Suggestion Tool:
Lets say your site is about Games. Now donít just make ëGamesí as your keyword because it is searched 99, 000 each day. There is v…
Selecting Key Words: This is probably the most important point. You need to choose keywords that best describes your website so if someone types your keyword in a search engine, your site will come up. Now donít just pick a few keywords which best interests you.
Try this Keyword Suggestion Tool:
Lets say your site is about Games. Now donít just make ëGamesí as your keyword because it is searched 99, 000 each day. There is very little chance your site will appear in a search any where near the first page. I suggest you pick more specific keywords such as ëPlayStation Gamesí or a name of an actual game like ëGrand Theft Autoí. These names are searched not as much so there is a lot of chance your site will appear near or on the first page of a search engine.
Domain: You should have a a suitable do0main name. It is not as important but still works. Going back to Games site again. You are better off with a domain name such as rather than The domain name has nothing to do with your search engine optimism, you can still reach page one with or without a good domain name.
Title Tags: Very crucial in Search Engine Optimization. Going back to the Games site. You are better off with a title such as:
Game – Grand Theft Auto
rather than:
Grand Theft Auto – Games
Grand Theft Auto
Header Tags: Header tags are very important because they are used to identify words which are more important than the rest of the text on the page. The Header Tags sum up the topic of the page. When you are placing Header Tags, use ëH1′ tags.
For Example, lets go back to the Games site again. You want your Header Tag as ëGamesí then you will do the following:
Easy URLs: Very important in search engine optimization. You want to have simple URLs, no long complicated stuff.
For Example in stead of this:
You will write:
Easy URLs: make sure you use correct keywords. For example going back to the Games site, make sure you mention something or probably everything related to games. When a search engine spider comes and sees that your page is suppose to be about Games but you havenít mentioned about Games, he/she will think your site is not important. Have a paragraph or two about your site on top of your page, making sure you state the correct keywords that best matches your website.
Link Building: Make sure you have lots of links coming to your site. When a search engine comes to a website and notices that in itís links there is a ëGamesí link. He/she will click and it will lead him/her to your site. This will make him/her think that your site is very important. When you are building links, make sure you use correct keywords that best describes your website.
A Few Tips: A few tips by the professionals:
-For start ups use things like : Digit, reddit and ma.gnolia they all give a little traffic if your site is new
-Quality Backlinks and Trusted Links
-Putting the keywords in the title
-One Way links